Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lesson #18

Lesson #18: Art is in the eye of the beholder.

We bought our current house in the summer of 2005. My parents came to watch the kids while we went to Texas later that summer for a conference, and when we came home it was to find that my dad had decorated for us.

A lovely, framed Elvis picture hanging in our living room. It was like a picture from "Southern Living" or "How Not To Decorate." The boys thought it was hysterically funny and every now and again will bring up the time "Poppop hung a picture of Elvis on the wall!"

It's certainly not great art and was done all in fun. At least I think so. But the lesson was really that memories are usually made with least in our family. It was a decoration that made us laugh and every time we think of it (or come across it when we delve into the abyss of the hall closet) we laugh again. It may not be great art, but everyone needs an Elvis picture to make them laugh and remember. Now if only we could find a spot for it....

I love you, Dad! Isn't your birthday coming up soon....?? =)

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