Monday, July 14, 2008

Lesson #29

Lesson #29 - If you're going to buy a parrot, make sure it doesn't curse (or think it's a vampire).

We grew up with a variety of pets. We had parakeets, parrots, fish, dogs, cats, my brother (hahahaha!), and we even had finches (or something that my dad was trying to raise in our garage once). Our most colorful pet was a parrot named Cassie.

She was a nasty parrot with a sailor's mouth and a mean streak that never ended. Of course, when we got her we knew none of that. Let's just say she made her true colors known rather quickly, but not quickly enough to give her back!

You'd think I would have then learned to make sure that any pet, but any bird especially, that I wanted to get was friendly and rated G. Well, sorry to say that lesson took awhile to learn.

I decided, the year after I graduated college to get a Sun Conure. Sweet looking little thing. His name was Sunny. Although, the morning I tried to put him back in his cage before I left for work and he jumped up and LATCHED his pointy, sharp as all get out beak on my NOSE, I had a few other choice names for him. Turns out he only liked men.

He adored my boyfriend, who is now my husband, and soon found a home at his apartment. The darn bird would be sitting on my hubby's shoulder and literally RUN across the back of the sofa to bite me if I was sitting to 3 feet away. I seriously hated that bird.

SO, lesson learned the hard way, but hey, I learned, right? Thanks, Mom & Dad!

I love you both!

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