Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lesson #31

Lesson #31 - Being a pack rat runs in the family.

Really, this is a lesson from my mom. While cleaning out the crawl space of the house where we grew up, I discovered that I tend to hang onto things....just like my mom.

There was the Michael Jackson pin from way back when he was black, the Easter Bunny Smurfette, and just about every paper I had ever written in college and high school. In my mom's boxes were the cards from their wedding (with gift value amounts penciled in), a feather doll (now complete with mouse droppings) and just about every trinket my brother and I ever made for her. Obviously, hers had more sentimental value than the Michael Jackson pin, but overall, we're both afflicted with a touch of pack-ratness.

So, the lesson was more of one that I'm not alone in my compulsion to "save things". Thanks, Mom. I feel better. =)

I love you both!

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