Monday, July 7, 2008

Lesson #22

Lesson #22 - If you're sending something out with your name on it make sure it's perfect.

My parents have always been very vigilant in making sure that things with their names, or their business' names, were proofread before being distributed. I'm also a big stickler for proofreading, but can freely admit that distractions sometimes get the best of me and typos occur.

A reminder of this lesson hit home this weekend while I was at work. There's a monthly newsletter that goes out to residents, family members and others related to the organization. Well, apparently there was no time to proofread, because July's calendar started on a Sunday and only had 30 days. The menu for the month had more typos than I could count and the font size was never reduced for long entries - hence, they were cut off.

Now I love where I work and I truly respect the people who own it. I just feel bad for them, because if one of my employees had sent out something like that with my name all over it, I'd be mortified.

Aw, well, it's a good lesson that hopefully will be learned quickly by the person who does the newsletters! Thanks, Mom & Dad!

I love you both!

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