Friday, July 11, 2008

Lesson #26

Lesson #26 - Leave it better.

My parents have always been big advocates of leaving things better than they found them. That includes their impact on people too. Leaving people a little bit better than when they met them.

It's a good lesson and one that I've been acutely aware of these last few days as I venture back into the full-time work force. I work with the elderly and some have severe dementia and alzheimers. Some of them can't communicate with words, some don't know where they are and many of them don't remember things from day to day. Their families come and visit (at least for the most part), but it's not everyday and it's hard on the sons and daughters who love them so much, but aren't recognized all of the time.

So, as I've been going into this journey of working I've been thinking a lot about why I've been given this opportunity. My mom summed it up this morning - "You're good for them." Yes, I think I am. I interact with them, I ask them questions about their lives, I listen to them, and I make them feel as safe as I can. That's what I learned to do from my parents. That's what I hope to pass on to my kids. Leave them better. Whether it's with a smile, a laugh, or simply holding a hand...leave them better.

Thanks, Mom and Dad.

I love you both!

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