Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lesson #1

Lesson #1:

"I brought you into this world, I can take you out. It doesn't make any difference to me; I can make another one just like you."

This little gem was borrowed from Bill Cosby and was a mantra when I was growing up. Although said (mostly!) as a joke, it got some pretty good mileage and can still be heard every once in awhile. Usually when the grandkids are around....but honestly, it doesn't quite have the same effect. They don't seem to get it and it sounds slightly creepy having their grandfather say it.

So, what's the lesson? That my dad has a Bill-Cosby-esque sense of humor. And anyone who has ever heard Bill Cosby knows that he's got a great heart, loved his Huxtable kids, and was a great Huxtable dad. Just like my dad....except not the "Huxtable" part.

Love you, Dad!

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