Friday, June 27, 2008

Lesson #13

Lesson #13: Make a list.

For as long as I can remember my dad has kept a notepad,usually a yellow legal pad, on his desk with a list of things to do. Everyday he writes his list and everyday things get crossed off.

It helps him organize his time, feel accomplished, and prioritize tasks.

I'm happy to say that this is a lesson that I whole heartily embrace. My husband usually gets bug eyes when I show him lists of things that I want to get done, but it works for me. I like crossing off things as I go through the day and it helps me remember what it is I have to do. Sometimes after chasing around the kids I'm a bit scatterbrained so it helps me come back to reality.

My dad was and still is right. Start a to do list. Then mark things off as you do them. You'll feel better about your day and you'll sleep a little easier at night. Thanks, Dad!

I love you!

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