Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lesson #11

Lesson #11: Put as much milk in your cereal as you want.

I'm sticking with the milk theme here, because after writing yesterday's post it reminded me of an incident that occurred at least 20 years ago, but still gets brought up quite often.

One of my dad's employees came to stay with us for a few days many years ago. He was an....interesting man. Actually, I always thought he was a little creepy, but shhh.... =)

So, the night he got there he wanted a bowl of cereal. My dad decided to have one too. Well, this man was very opinionated and proceeded to tell my father that he was putting too much milk in his own cereal. Yes, apparently my father was using too much milk in his own cereal in his own house. The milk hog.

You may have guessed what happened next, but if you haven't it's spelled H-I-V-E. Yep, my dad got a great big hive starting on his forehead. He gets hives when he's stressed.

We have used this little story about employee X (who is no longer an employee, by the way), to tease one another just about every chance we get about how much milk is put in the cereal bowl. It was a good lesson in tolerance, hospitality and keeping the gun cabinet locked at all times.=)

I love you, Dad!

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