Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lesson #8

Lesson #8: If you drive fast keep the FOP badge on the license plate and don't get caught.

My dad used to have a black Corvette. Convertible with red leather interior. I was a teenager and, boy, was that a cool car. Even if I hadn't been a teenager it still would have been a cool car. The fun though was when we'd just go out for a drive...just me and my dad.

We'd go across a stretch of road that just begged for speed. So, we usually went pretty darn down, wind rushing in our! Sometimes I'd wave like Miss America as we traveled down the road. People would look and we'd laugh. Goofy, but that's okay...see lesson #7. =)

Of course, by the time my kids get old enough to drive I'll have to have deleted this post so that they don't get any ideas. But it was fun and it's a good memory. Thanks, Dad!

I love you!

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